This video will show you how to update the firmware from your MG-1S remote controller. 1. Updating the firmware with SD card. Visit downloads on the MG-1S product page. Download the firmware for the AGRAS MG-1S remote controller to the PC. Unzip the downloaded file and get the bin file. Copy the file to the root directory of a Micro SD card (FAT32 file system). Ensure that there are no other files in the Micro SD card. After the remote controller is turned off insert the Micro SD card to the SD car slot on the remote controller. Power on the remote controller. Go to general settings, Android system settings and update. Click the icon on the upper right corner of the screen and local update. Then click local update and update. Wait about 5 minutes. The update is complete. Note: Check the current version of the remote controller firmware and restart the remote controller. If the update fails format the Micro SD card and copy the bin file to the Micro SD card and update again. 2. Updating the firmware with the MG app. Ensure that the remote controller is connected to the internet. Go to general settings, Android system settings and update. Tap check for update and corresponding firmware will be shown. Tap download and download to start updating. Wait about 5 minutes and the update will be finished. Note: To check the current remote controller’s firmware version restart the remote controller. If the update fails update it again. If it fails several times contact DJI support.
DJI MG 1S | Updating the Remote Controller Firmware
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